Rights Not Rescue!

Rights Not Rescue!

South Australian Parliament is considering a new sex work bill AND IT STILL DOESN'T DECRIMINALISE SEX WORK!

Liberal Member Nicola Centofanti MLC will bring her 'Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry - Exit Strategies & Spent Convictions) Bill' to a second reading vote on Wednesday, 25 September. Sex workers weren't consulted on Centofanti's Bill because Centofanti does not recognise that sex workers exist, are workers and should have the same rights as any other worker.

Centofanti's Rescue Bill doesn't -

  • end the criminalisation of sex work or sex workers
  • provide sex workers with access to their rights
  • stop surveillance and ...

South Australian Parliament is considering a new sex work bill AND IT STILL DOESN'T DECRIMINALISE SEX WORK!

Liberal Member Nicola Centofanti MLC will bring her 'Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry - Exit Strategies & Spent Convictions) Bill' to a second reading vote on Wednesday, 25 September. Sex workers weren't consulted on Centofanti's Bill because Centofanti does not recognise that sex workers exist, are workers and should have the same rights as any other worker.

Centofanti's Rescue Bill doesn't -

  • end the criminalisation of sex work or sex workers
  • provide sex workers with access to their rights
  • stop surveillance and entrapment of sex workers.

Centofanti's Rescue Bill does -

  • force sex workers to choose between 'rescue' or criminal charge
  • risk isolating sex workers from support networks
  • reinforce harmful stigmatisation of sex workers!

Only decriminalising sex work recognises sex work as work and sex workers as workers so sex workers can access the same rights to safe workplaces as every other worker!

Please tell Members of the Legislative Council to listen to sex workers and catch up with other states & territories by decriminalising sex work, not supporting a moralistic 'rescue' Bill that will harm sex workers.

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Email MLCs!

Let MLCs know that sex workers want rights, not rescue!

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  • Always be polite and professional! It is frustrating to feel like we're going in circles but please be nice in your email.


  • Personalise your email - Are you a sex worker or know a sex worker? Maybe you've learned something new from SIDAC or have come to one of our events? Why not mention it!